

Integrate Calendly, boost productivity

Smart scheduling automation will change the way you – and your tools – work.

Integrate Calendly, boost productivity






Frequently Asked Questions

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What are Calendly apps?

Calendly apps let you leverage scheduling automation wherever you are on the web via browser extensions, or while you’re on-the-go via mobile apps.

What are Calendly integrations?

Integrations let you use Calendly alongside other tools and services. By leveraging an integration, your meeting information and scheduling data can sync directly with other tools in your tech stack to eliminate additional work.

Choose from the integrations on this page that will help automate your work. If a more enhanced customization is needed, you can do more using the Calendly API, or utilize our Workflows tool to optimize your own scheduling workflows.

How do I install and use integrations?

To install an app or connect an integration, find the tool you need in the integrations directory. Click “Add integration” and follow the prompts to install. Some integrations will be installed directly within Calendly, while others prompt you to open their tools first. You can also find apps and integrations directly in your Calendly account under “Integrations.”

How can I request a new integration?

Don’t see the integration you’re looking for? Let us know! New ones are being added all the time.

Want to build a Calendly integration? Learn about our API.

You can use our APIs to build integrations that connect Calendly to your tools. Visit our Developer Portal to find more information about building to our APIs. 

Easy access for easy bookings

Share your Calendly link right from your browser, so you can schedule meetings without the back-and-forth